The Doodle Books app is the only one you need for creating sketches, doodles, drawings, and notes. This app is FAST, FUN and EASY to use!
FEATURES: sketch paper, color pencils, erasers, magnifying glass, smudge finger, and water blur.
CANVAS SIZE: 1024x1024 pixels
UNDO: 15 levels
VIDEO: Record a video your while you paint, or narrate a completed book! With or without the front-facing camera!
VIDEO FASTPAINT: Record video at 32/32 Frames Per Second or create time-lapse with 1/32, 4/32, or 8/32 FPS!
MULTI DEVICE: Choose to create a sketchbook online, to make a book available to all of your devices.
STAMP: Copy and paste images from the canvas, the camera, or your photo library.